Email: iheia_dnr@yahoo.com For questions or additional information
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Membership Application Nomination Form Our Sponsors and Links Instructors Page
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DNR Newsletter
The purpose of the Association and this site is
to support the Iowa Hunters and Sportsmen, Iowa Department or Natural Resources,
and anyone interested in today's sporting world. Within this Site, you
will find helpful information on Hunting, Trapping, Outdoor activities, up
coming events, Gun Shows, Workshops, Special Classes, and information about the Association
itself and it's board members. You will also find links and references to
sponsors and supporters to the cause. Membership to the association is
simple and inexpensive, and the application can be found here. Also, we
like to recognize various people for their support of Hunter's Education.
Anyone who has an interest or questions about the IHEIA may contact us through
our Email address. Please join us in helping to build and support sporting
game such as Pheasant, Quail, Deer, Bobcats, Raccoons, Squirrels, Rabbits, and
all the other critters that can be hunted and trapped. Within this site
you may also find course offerings to those who are IHEIA members for NRA
Certified Instructor Courses.
Within these pages, you will find information for both the Instructor and the
hunter, as well as for the sportsman or anyone else who has an interest in the
outdoors. We provide information for many different interests within the
outdoor sporting interests and are willing to promote any appropriate and worth
while activities.
So please, give us a few minutes and check us out. Let us know what you
think and maybe suggest a few improvements.
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